Saturday, November 11, 2006


Influence of on-line journalism on mass media

I. Intoduction
1. On-line editorials, it’s significance.
Nowadays on-line editorials became a significant source of information for millions of people. The main characteristics which differs on-line media from others – interaction, the ability to contact efficiently with interested reader with the help of web-forum or guest-book which most of the virtual editorials supposed to have.
2. On-line journalism as the most advanced way to communicate and to exchange the information.
Internet has united a whole universe in a unique electronic area, and became the most widespread efficient source of information.
II. History
1. Chronology. The very first electronic news paper appeared in USA in 1990, it called “Electronic club”. According to AJRNewslink, there were a mere 100 newspapers in the beginning of 1995, to the beginning of 1996 the quantity of electronic newspapers was estimated 815, and the middle of 1996 has 1115 on-line newspapers. In 1999 AJRNewslink has 4925 on-line newspapers in it’s database.
2. History of on-line journalism in Kazakhstan and CIG (not yet available)
III. On-line journalism today
1. In Kazakhstan. We should consider that the audience who uses on-line sources of information is a special part of the whole society. These are the most educated and well-off people. Weather this audience is good or not, it’s up to your mind. But we should consider this until every house in Kazakhstan would have an access to internet.
2. Responsibility. On-line journalism is still journalism. It is still a way to influence people’s mind and consciousness. It is really difficult to imagine journalist without personal emotional opinion concerning his object of publication. It is obvious that in our society the level of responsibility of journalist is pretty high. The consequences of a wrong information might seriously damage people’s life. The rules in on-line journalism are the same as code of journalistic ethics. And the responsibility the same as well as the mission the same.
3. Disadvantage of on-line journalism. Here we’d like to mention mostly webblogs. Today anyone can become a journalist simply having acknowledged with creating and cultivating a web blogs. Web blog journalism used to be known as “people’s journalism”. The owners of web blogs might happened not to have a corresponding education. They might not be familiar with code of journalistic ethics, they might not be aiming to be objective. This kind of journalism may simply damage the reputation of journalism as a whole.
IV. Conclusion.

We still believe that in a current informational age the development of on-line journalism is a significant step toward progress and Cultural Revolution. As all the other ages, this age, certainly may have some mistakes and omissions, but we believe that the current temp of development will soon make the situation better.

futher changes in a proposal might be on my partner's web blog

Friday, November 10, 2006

Working youth

Have you already came about? Still living on parent's maintenance? What keeps you away from earning yourself? laziness, romp, reluctance. Today a very few teenagers among people aged between 14-25 might have a job. In comparison with previous generation, our generation is too romp! This generation unfortunately happened to appear pathos, lazy, dishonorable etc. I am studying in one of the "Goldiest" university in Almaty. Here in KIMEP I have recognized how awful, cynical and utopian our youth are. The interests are too narrow. They like to brag about new cell phone, car or what ever presenting it as their own achievment. I strongly believe that the reason in it is the wrong upbringing which gave us the previous generation. I don't respect such mama's boys and girls and I call upon to go over your principles, to sort people out correctly, to become adult at least! Go find a job!

Thursday, November 09, 2006